--- - name: quality of life packages apk: name: - htop - mksh # I want something somewhat nicer thant busybox ash - mosh - neovim - ripgrep - tmux when: ansible_distribution == "Alpine" - name: install python3 apt: name: - htop - mosh - neovim - ripgrep - tmux when: ansible_distribution in ["Debian", "Ubuntu"] - name: install python3 openbsd_pkg: name: - htop - mosh - neovim - ripgrep # OpenBSD already ships with tmux when: ansible_distribution == "OpenBSD" - name: set up tmux block: - name: make tmux config directory file: path: /home/rilla/.config/tmux state: directory owner: rilla group: rilla - name: copy tmux config copy: src: tmux.conf dest: /home/rilla/.config/tmux/tmux.conf owner: rilla group: rilla - name: make sure .profile file exists file: name: /home/rilla/.profile state: touch owner: rilla group: rilla modification_time: preserve access_time: preserve mode: '0644' - name: start tmux session on ssh connection lineinfile: path: /home/rilla/.profile line: '[ -n "$PS1" ] && [ -z "$TMUX" ] && [ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ] && exec tmux -u' insertafter: EOF state: present - name: set Alpine shell to mksh block: - name: install mksh apk: name: mksh - name: change user default shell user: name: rilla shell: /bin/mksh - name: copy mkshrc copy: src: mkshrc dest: /home/rilla/.mkshrc owner: rilla group: rilla when: ansible_distribution == "Alpine" - name: include to lbu config files lbu: include: - /home/rilla/.config/tmux/tmux.conf - /home/rilla/.mkshrc - /home/rilla/.profile exclude: - /home/rilla/.local/share/nvim - /home/rilla/.cache when: ansible_distribution == "Alpine" and use_lbu