--- - name: install server for Debian / Ubuntu apt: name: - nut-server when: ansible_distribution in ["Debian", "Ubuntu"] - name: add UPS device(s) config to /etc/nut/ups.conf blockinfile: path: /etc/nut/ups.conf block: | [{{ nut_device.name }}] {% for key, value in nut_device.config.items() %} {{ key }} = "{{ value }}" {% endfor %} - name: set up NUT user(s) to /etc/nut/upsd.users blockinfile: path: /etc/nut/upsd.users block: | [admin] password = "{{ nut_admin_password }}" actions = SET instcmds = ALL [upsmon] password = "{{ nut_upsmon_password }}" upsmon {{ nut_types[nut_mode] }} - name: allow NUT to listen to all IPs blockinfile: path: /etc/nut/upsd.conf block: | LISTEN LISTEN ::1 when: nut_mode == "netserver" - name: start and enable nut-upsd service: name: nut-upsd runlevel: default state: started enabled: true when: ansible_distribution == "Alpine" - name: start and enable nut-server systemd: name: nut-server state: started enabled: true when: ansible_distribution in ["Debian", "Ubuntu"] - name: start and enable nut-driver-enumerator systemd: name: nut-driver-enumerator state: started enabled: true when: ansible_distribution == "Archlinux"