--- - name: install necessary packages apk: name: - gcc - git - make - musl-dev - tar state: present - name: let builder own the src directory file: state: directory path: /var/lib/builder/src owner: builder group: builder - name: clone git repo git: repo: https://github.com/kubesail/pibox-os.git dest: /var/lib/builder/src/pibox-os clone: true become_user: builder - name: build and install bcm2835-1.68 include_tasks: bcm2835.yml - name: build and install pi_fan_hwpwm include_tasks: pi_fan_hwpwm.yml - name: copy init script copy: src: init.d/pi_fan_hwpwm dest: /etc/init.d/pi_fan_hwpwm owner: root mode: '0755' - name: enable pi_fan_hwpwm service: name: pi_fan_hwpwm state: started enabled: true runlevel: default - name: add files to lbu lbu: include: - /usr/local/sbin/pi_fan_hwpwm - /etc/init.d/pi_fan_hwpwm when: ansible_distribution == "Alpine" and use_lbu - name: add iomem=relaxed to cmdline.txt replace: path: /media/mmcblk0p1/cmdline.txt regexp: '^([\w](?!.*\biomem=relaxed\b).*)$' replace: '\1 iomem=relaxed'