rsync_letsencrypt DAG

Ricard Illa 2022-08-18 17:06:05 +02:00
parent 6954c8dcfe
commit 2a72b9ea20
2 changed files with 71 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
.PHONY: all fetch_certs reload_nginx refresh_pg
all: fetch_certs reload_nginx refresh_pg
# Fetch the certificates from my remote server using rsync
# The combination of `--info=NAME` and pipe into grep means this target will
# have a non-zero exit code if nothing has been updated.
# This way, the other targets will run only when some certificate has been
# updated
RSYNC_OPTS=--archive --delete --acls --xattrs --compress --human-readable
rsync \
--info=NAME \
--password-file=$(RSYNCD_PASSWD) \
grep .
# Reload the nginx instance running on my reverse proxy docker-compose service
# so that it uses the new certificates
reload_nginx: fetch_certs
docker-compose \
exec nginx \
nginx -s reload
# Copy the certificate for the postgresql domain to the folder where postgre
# service expects it
# After running the fetch_certs target, the postgresql fullchain.pem and
# privkey.pem should be available. Copy those to the postgre SSL folder.
$(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/fullchain.pem: fetch_certs
$(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/privkey.pem: fetch_certs
$(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.crt: $(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/fullchain.pem
mkdir -p $(PG_SSL_PATH)
rsync --copy-links \
$(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/fullchain.pem \
$(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.key: $(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/privkey.pem
mkdir -p $(PG_SSL_PATH)
rsync --copy-links \
$(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/privkey.pem \
refresh_pg: $(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.crt $(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.key

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# rsync letsencrypt
This DAG pulls my letsencrypt certificates from my public server that issues
and renews them using rsync.
If any certificate has been updated, it reloads my Nginx reverse proxy
instance and updates the certificates for my PostgreSQL instance.