.PHONY: all fetch_certs reload_nginx refresh_pg all: fetch_certs reload_nginx refresh_pg LETSENCRYPT_PATH=/mnt/letsencrypt ############################################################################### # Fetch the certificates from my remote server using rsync # # The combination of `--info=NAME` and pipe into grep means this target will # have a non-zero exit code if nothing has been updated. # This way, the other targets will run only when some certificate has been # updated REMOTE_LETSENCRYPT_PATH=rsync://user@caladan/letsencrypt RSYNCD_PASSWD=/mnt/secrets/rsyncd_password RSYNC_OPTS=--archive --delete --acls --xattrs --compress --human-readable fetch_certs: rsync \ $(RSYNC_OPTS) \ --info=NAME \ --password-file=$(RSYNCD_PASSWD) \ $(REMOTE_LETSENCRYPT_PATH) \ $(LETSENCRYPT_PATH) #| \ # grep . ############################################################################### # Reload the nginx instance running on my reverse proxy docker-compose service # so that it uses the new certificates NGINX_COMPOSE_FILE=/srv/services/reverse_proxy/docker-compose.yml reload_nginx: fetch_certs docker-compose \ --file $(NGINX_COMPOSE_FILE) \ exec nginx \ nginx -s reload ############################################################################### # Copy the certificate for the postgresql domain to the folder where postgre # service expects it # After running the fetch_certs target, the postgresql fullchain.pem and # privkey.pem should be available. Copy those to the postgre SSL folder. PG_DOMAIN=pg.monotremata.xyz PG_SSL_PATH=/mnt/docker_volumes/postgres/ssl $(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/fullchain.pem: fetch_certs $(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/privkey.pem: fetch_certs $(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.crt: $(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/fullchain.pem mkdir -p $(@D) rsync --copy-links $< $@ $(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.key: $(LETSENCRYPT_PATH)/live/$(PG_DOMAIN)/privkey.pem mkdir -p $(@D) rsync --copy-links $< $@ refresh_pg: $(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.crt $(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.key