WD=/var/lib/dags/acme_renew .PHONY: all refresh_pg renew_certs NGINX_RELOAD=$(WD)/nginx_reload all: renew_certs $(NGINX_RELOAD) refresh_pg ############################################################################### DOMAIN=monotremata.xyz CERT_PATH=/mnt/certs/acme/$(DOMAIN) CERT=$(CERT_PATH)/fullchain.cer KEY=$(CERT_PATH)/$(DOMAIN).key ############################################################################### # Renew the certificates using acme.sh. Because `renew_certs` is a phony # target, it will be run each time, but the certificate files will only be # updated if a renewal happens $(CERT): renew_certs $(KEY): renew_certs GOPASS=doas -u gopass gopass LINODE_TOKEN = $(shell $(GOPASS) linode.com/token) DOCKER_IMAGE=neilpang/acme.sh ACME_DATA_DIR=/mnt/docker_volumes/acmesh/data RENEW_CMD="/root/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/root/.acme.sh" --config-home "/acme.sh" renew_certs: docker run --rm -it \ -v $(ACME_DATA_DIR):/acme.sh \ -v $(CERT_PATH):/acme.sh/$(DOMAIN) \ -e "LINODE_V4_API_KEY=$(LINODE_TOKEN)" \ $(DOCKER_IMAGE) \ $(RENEW_CMD) ############################################################################### # Reload the nginx instance running on my reverse proxy docker-compose service # so that it uses the new certificates. # The target is just an empty sentinel target with no meaningful data other # than its modification date. # So far, the nginx instance running on `narwhal` only uses the `monotremata` # and `narwhal` certificates, so it only needs to be reloaded if those are # updated NGINX_COMPOSE_FILE=/srv/services/reverse_proxy/docker-compose.yml $(NGINX_RELOAD): $(CERT) $(KEY) mkdir -p $(@D) docker-compose \ --file $(NGINX_COMPOSE_FILE) \ exec nginx \ nginx -s reload touch $@ ############################################################################### # Copy the certificate for the postgresql domain to the folder where postgre # service expects it PG_SSL_PATH=/mnt/docker_volumes/postgres/ssl PG_CERT=$(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.crt PG_KEY=$(PG_SSL_PATH)/server.key $(PG_CERT): $(CERT) mkdir -p $(@D) rsync --copy-links $< $@ $(PG_KEY): $(KEY) mkdir -p $(@D) rsync --copy-links $< $@ refresh_pg: $(PG_CERT) $(PG_KEY)