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These are some trivial preferences of mine.

My preferred text editor is (Neo)Vim. At some point, I'd be willing to try Emacs, but right now I don't have enough time to properly learn and customize it. I'm probably already way too invested in Vim.

My favorite beer styles are Imperial Stouts, Barleywines and Scotch ales. I rarely drink IPAs outside of summer.

I prefer functional programming over object-oriented programming and I really like Haskell and Scheme. Click here to read my opinion on recursion. My current job involves mostly writting Python and I am ok with that.

I like dynamic tiling window manager and XMonad is my favorite one. While I'd like to move to Wayland at some point, I find XMonad's workflow supperior to Sway's.

My daily driver is a corebooted Thinkpad X230 with an X220 keyboard that runs NixOS. I also use a librebooted Thinkpad X60 that runs OpenBSD.

My NAS is an Odroid HC4 running Debian GNU/Linux (I would have preferred Alpine, but Debian has official support on that device). My media center is a Raspberry Pi 4 running Alpine Linux. My router is a Linksys WRT3200ACM running OpenWRT.

My phone is a Google Pixel 3a running GrapheneOS.

My main publicly accessible server is a VPS running Alpine. I also use another VPS running OpenBSD as a mail server.

I like split ergonomic mechanical keyboard and trackballs. My two daily drivers are an ErgoDox EZ and a Ploopy Classic Trackball.

I pracactice Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and Calisthenics using rings.

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