/****** * name: arkenfox user.js * date: 30 July 2021 * version 91-alpha * url: https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js * license: MIT: https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/blob/master/LICENSE.txt * README: 1. Consider using Tor Browser if it meets your needs or fits your threat model better * https://www.torproject.org/about/torusers.html.en 2. Required reading: Overview, Backing Up, Implementing, and Maintenance entries * https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/wiki 3. If you skipped step 2, return to step 2 4. Make changes * There are often trade-offs and conflicts between security vs privacy vs anti-fingerprinting and these need to be balanced against functionality & convenience & breakage * Some site breakage and unintended consequences will happen. Everyone's experience will differ e.g. some user data is erased on close (section 2800), change this to suit your needs * While not 100% definitive, search for "[SETUP" tags e.g. third party images/videos not loading on some sites? check 1603 * Take the wiki link in step 2 and read the Troubleshooting entry 5. Some tag info [SETUP-SECURITY] it's one item, read it [SETUP-WEB] can cause some websites to break [SETUP-CHROME] changes how Firefox itself behaves (i.e. not directly website related) [SETUP-PERF] may impact performance [WARNING] used on some commented out items, heed them 6. Override Recipes: https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/issues/1080 * RELEASES: https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/releases * It is best to use the arkenfox release that is optimized for and matches your Firefox version * EVERYONE: each release - run prefsCleaner or reset deprecated prefs (9999s) and prefs made redundant by RPF (4600s) - re-enable section 4600 if you don't use RFP ESR78 - If you are not using arkenfox v78... (not a definitive list) - 1244: HTTPS-Only mode is enabled - 1401: document fonts is inactive as it is now covered by RFP in FF80+ - 2626: non-native widget theme is enforced - 4600: some prefs may apply even if you use RFP - 9999: switch the appropriate deprecated section(s) back on * INDEX: 0100: STARTUP 0200: GEOLOCATION / LANGUAGE / LOCALE 0300: QUIET FOX 0400: BLOCKLISTS / SAFE BROWSING 0500: SYSTEM ADD-ONS / EXPERIMENTS 0600: BLOCK IMPLICIT OUTBOUND 0700: HTTP* / TCP/IP / DNS / PROXY / SOCKS etc 0800: LOCATION BAR / SEARCH BAR / SUGGESTIONS / HISTORY / FORMS 0900: PASSWORDS 1000: CACHE / SESSION (RE)STORE / FAVICONS 1200: HTTPS (SSL/TLS / OCSP / CERTS / HPKP / CIPHERS) 1400: FONTS 1600: HEADERS / REFERERS 1700: CONTAINERS 1800: PLUGINS 2000: MEDIA / CAMERA / MIC 2200: WINDOW MEDDLING & LEAKS / POPUPS 2300: WEB WORKERS 2400: DOM (DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL) & JAVASCRIPT 2500: HARDWARE FINGERPRINTING 2600: MISCELLANEOUS 2700: PERSISTENT STORAGE 2800: SHUTDOWN 4000: FPI (FIRST PARTY ISOLATION) 4500: RFP (RESIST FINGERPRINTING) 4600: RFP ALTERNATIVES 4700: RFP ALTERNATIVES (USER AGENT SPOOFING) 5000: PERSONAL 9999: DEPRECATED / REMOVED / LEGACY / RENAMED ******/ import ./0000.nix // import ./0100.nix // import ./0200.nix // import ./0300.nix // import ./0400.nix // import ./0500.nix // import ./0600.nix // import ./0700.nix // import ./0800.nix // import ./0900.nix // import ./1000.nix // import ./1400.nix // import ./1600.nix // import ./1700.nix // import ./1800.nix // import ./2000.nix // import ./2200.nix // import ./2300.nix // import ./2400.nix // import ./2500.nix // import ./2600.nix // import ./2700.nix // import ./2800.nix // import ./4000.nix // # import ./4500.nix // import ./4600.nix // import ./4700.nix // import ./5000.nix // import ./9999.nix