{ config, inputs, pkgs, stablePkgs, ... }: { # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. # programs.home-manager.enable = true; # Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the # paths it should manage. home.username = "rilla"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/rilla"; nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { alot = stablePkgs.alot; }) ]; imports = [ ./arduino ./barrier ./browsers ./cheat ./dav ./fonts ./git ./gotify ./gpg ./idasen ./lf ./mail ./maker ./minidisc ./mpd ./msg ./music ./neovim ./pass ./rss ./snapcast ./sound ./ssh ./tmux ./vitetris ./wallets ./wine ./xdg ./zsh ]; home.persistence = { "/persist/system/${config.home.homeDirectory}" = { directories = [ ".abook" ".bitmonero" ".cache" ".config/Nextcloud" ".config/ardour6" ".config/chromium" ".config/kdeconnect" ".config/whatsapp-for-linux" ".gnupg/private-keys-v1.d" ".local/share/keyrings" ".local/share/mpd" ".local/share/webkitgtk" ".mozilla" ".librewolf" ".newsboat" ".vdirsyncer" ".local/state/wireplumber" ".vagrant.d" ".wine" ]; files = [ ".gnupg/pubring.kbx" ".gnupg/trustdb.gpg" ".mailsynclastrun" ".ssh/known_hosts" ".zsh_history" ".lmmsrc.xml" ]; allowOther = true; }; "/persist/user/${config.home.homeDirectory}" = { directories = [ ".config/Signal" ".config/Element" ".config/SuperCollider" ".local/share/SuperCollider" ".local/share/TelegramDesktop" ".local/share/dino" ".local/share/Bisq" ".password-store" ".walletwasabi" "Calendars" "Contacts" "Documents" "Downloads" "Images" "Maildir" "Monero" "Nextcloud" "code" "configs" "misc" "workspace" "Audio" ]; files = [ ]; allowOther = true; }; }; home.sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "${pkgs.neovim}/bin/nvim"; VISUAL = "${pkgs.neovim}/bin/nvim"; BROWSER = "${pkgs.firefox}/bin/firefox"; # OPENER = "todo"; # todo TERMINAL = "${pkgs.alacritty}/bin/alacritty"; CM_LAUNCHER = "rofi"; # for clipmenu LEDGER_FILE = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/finance/2021.journal"; QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct"; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ R acpi android-tools ansible bind.dnsutils calibre docker-compose file gimp gnumake html-tidy htop inetutils # telnet j2cli jq killall libnotify libreoffice lxqt.pcmanfm-qt mosh mpv neofetch networkmanagerapplet nextcloud-client pandoc pv ripgrep sassc shellcheck signify sxiv vagrant virt-manager wget ]; services.syncthing.enable = true; services.kdeconnect = { enable = true; indicator = true; }; programs.bat = { enable = true; config = { theme = "gruvbox-dark"; }; }; programs.fzf = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; # defaultOptions = [ # "--preview --preview 'bat --color=always --style=header,grid --line-range :300 {}'" # ]; tmux.enableShellIntegration = true; }; services.gnome-keyring = { enable = true; components = [ "secrets" ]; }; services.nextcloud-client = { enable = true; startInBackground = true; }; services.network-manager-applet.enable = true; dconf.settings = { "org/virt-manager/virt-manager/connections" = { "autoconnect" = [ "qemu:///system" ]; "uris" = [ "qemu:///system" ]; }; }; home.stateVersion = "21.11"; }