{ /*** [SECTION 0500]: SYSTEM ADD-ONS / EXPERIMENTS System Add-ons are a method for shipping extensions, considered to be built-in features to Firefox, that are hidden from the about:addons UI. To view your System Add-ons go to about:support, they are listed under "Firefox Features" * Portable: "...\App\Firefox64\browser\features\" (or "App\Firefox\etc" for 32bit) * Windows: "...\Program Files\Mozilla\browser\features" (or "Program Files (X86)\etc" for 32bit) * Mac: "...\Applications\Firefox\Contents\Resources\browser\features\" [NOTE] On Mac you can right-click on the application and select "Show Package Contents" * Linux: "/usr/lib/firefox/browser/features" (or similar) [1] https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/addon-manager/SystemAddons.html [2] https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/extensions ***/ /* 0503: disable Normandy/Shield [FF60+] * Shield is an telemetry system (including Heartbeat) that can also push and test "recipes" * [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Shield * [2] https://github.com/mozilla/normandy ***/ "app.normandy.enabled" = false; "app.normandy.api_url" = ""; /* 0505: disable System Add-on updates ***/ "extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled" = false; # [FF62+] "extensions.systemAddon.update.url" = ""; # [FF44+] /* 0506: disable PingCentre telemetry (used in several System Add-ons) [FF57+] * Currently blocked by 'datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled' (see 0340) ***/ "browser.ping-centre.telemetry" = false; /* 0515: disable Screenshots ***/ # // user_pref("extensions.screenshots.disabled", true); // [FF55+] /* 0517: disable Form Autofill * [NOTE] Stored data is NOT secure (uses a JSON file) * [NOTE] Heuristics controls Form Autofill on forms without @autocomplete attributes * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Forms and Autofill>Autofill addresses * [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Features/Form_Autofill ***/ "extensions.formautofill.addresses.enabled" = false; # [FF55+] "extensions.formautofill.available" = "off"; # [FF56+] "extensions.formautofill.creditCards.available" = false; # [FF57+] "extensions.formautofill.creditCards.enabled" = false; # [FF56+] "extensions.formautofill.heuristics.enabled" = false; # [FF55+] /* 0518: enforce disabling of Web Compatibility Reporter [FF56+] * Web Compatibility Reporter adds a "Report Site Issue" button to send data to Mozilla ***/ "extensions.webcompat-reporter.enabled" = false; # [DEFAULT: false] }