variable "minio_image" { type = string description = "image used for minio" default = "minio/minio:latest" } variable "minio_root_user" { type = string description = "minio root username" sensitive = true } variable "minio_root_password" { type = string description = "minio root password" sensitive = true } variable "minio_port" { type = number description = "http port used by minio" default = 9000 } variable "minio_console_port" { type = number description = "http port used by minio's console" default = 9001 } variable "minio_url" { type = string description = "minio url" } variable "minio_console_url" { type = string description = "minio console url" } variable "minio_host_path" { type = string description = "host path for the volume to be used as storage for minio" } variable "minio_storage_capacity" { type = string description = "capacity for minio's storage" default = "10Gi" }